This Journey of Ours

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What If

What ifs.

Too many of them.

Give me a box.

I want to lock them and hurl them to the sea.

Maybe.. they will leave me alone.

Being rational would be then alien.

Idealism, I missed you.

Where's my Marshmallow Land?
8 Responses
  1. VIRUZ_XP Says:

    What Ifs.

    If life was simpler, we would not be asking this kind of questions.

    Heck, if it was simpler, there wouldn't even be questions...

  2. lyrehs Says:

    Mmmm.... MaRSHMaLLoWSssss.......
    with hot choco... mmmm....

  3. your heart Says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. teddykins Says:


    YOU FOUND ME. ><

    Sometimes, these questions makes us grow. Sometimes, they overwhelm us. Things are simple. I just love to complicate them. So there. Ciak pa bo su zo. That's my problem! Hehe. Thanks, jude!

  5. teddykins Says:


    Pooky misses you. =( Get hot chocolate soon, need to be more sick.

  6. lyrehs Says:

    "Get hot chocolate soon, need to be more sick."

    Who? Me or you :)

    If its me then, will get sick after the Grand Opening :)

  7. VIRUZ_XP Says:

    haha... yeaa... im initiating my own blogspot for sometime already for other blog topics other than in my multiply...

  8. teddykins Says:

    I meant me, Sheryl. =] I miss hot chocolate. And you.

    Thanks for explaining, Jude.